Maenne Experience

The story of those who have seen, known, experienced Maenne multisensory system. Impressions, considerations and feelings that came from different experiences and needs.

Roberto Talamoni


“Maenne can open a new frontier even in the field of nutrition.”

Dayana Orazi

Yoga teacher

“I felt almost reborn, it was like an awakening.”

Alfredo Sorichetti

Orchestra conductor

“Multisensory vibrations that are a source of peace and well-being.”

Simone Corradini


“An extraordinary means for regaining balance and concentration.”

Ramona Sanseverinati


“My winning formula for regaining energy and feeling good.”

Nicola Di Mattia


“Rebalancing and relaxation. Maenne is a valuable ally in treating certain types of dysfunction.”

Giorgio Tanoni


Vibrations, sounds, lights. And afterwards, relaxation and well-being.”

Piera Giardina

Lawyer, Reiki operator
and PSYCH-K® Facilitator.

“An intense experience involving all senses, in every part of the body.”

Luigi Chiaramoni


“An amazing experience: active relaxation, mental and physical well-being.”

Stefano Paolini

Radio speaker

“Deep relaxation for body and mind.”

Manuela Emili

Physiotherapist and Osteopath

“A relaxing and pleasant way to regenerate body, mind and energy”

Contact us

You can ask us for more details or make an appointment.